• 3rd Annual Wine & Purse Bingo | Saturday, March 22, 2025 - SOLD OUT

  • VSC Golf Tournament | Saturday , June 6, 2025

  • Military Appreciation Celebration | Saturday, September 27, 2025

Scholarship Recipient Application

Scholarship Recipient Application

Requirements & Eligibility

1. Applicants must be a veteran, or grandchild, or immediate family member of a veteran. Immediate family includes father, mother, sister, and brother.

2. Applicants must have graduated, or be graduating in the current academic year, from an accredited East Texas high school, and must be accepted for entry into an accredited college or university for a curriculum leading to an associate or bachelor's degree in nursing, firefighting/ law enforcement/first responder, or other discipline, as a full-time student carrying 12 semester hours or more of study. Secondary consideration will be given to those seeking a post-graduate degree.

3. Applicants must have attained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or in the case of no collegiate record, in the last semester in which they were a full-time student.

4. Applicants must submit a scholarship application accompanied by the following attachments:
● Transcripts with grades from every school attended (high school and above).
● Acceptance letter from an accredited Texas college or university (see paragraph 2 above).
● A 500-word (minimum), typed, double-spaced essay that answers the following question: In your chosen field/occupation, how will you fulfill the special needs of a veteran?
● Statement of applicant's relationship to a veteran including service branch and last unit attached to prior to leaving military service, and type of discharge received.

This scholarship may be renewed for up to four consecutive semesters if the applicant successfully maintains a 3.0 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale in their current study program as a full-time student. No change of major will be considered for continuation of the scholarship. Continuation applications, with a copy of the transcript for the immediately ended semester, must be received by the Scholarship Committee no later than April 30 for the Spring semester transcript and January 10 for the Fall semester transcript.

The initial Scholarship Application with all required attachments must be received no later than April 30

Applicant Name
Applicant Name
Are you a Veteran
Do you have a Veteran in your family?
Highest Grade Level Achieved: (Select One)
Copy of transcript(s) required & can be uploaded at the end of this application

Required Application Documents

In order for your application to be considered complete, you must submit the following for review:

  • Transcripts with grades from every school attended (High School & above)
  • 500 Word (minimum) Essay - Typed; Double Spaced - Subject: "In your Chosen Field/Occupation, How will you fulfill the special needs of a Veteran?"
  • College/University Acceptance Letter
  • Veteran Relationship Statement including Veteran's Name, Service Branch, Last Unit Assigned, & Type of Discharge Received

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